"Gingerbread Baking!" December 16th
Matti's grandmother said "It's a good day to bake."
I think gingerbread is the perfect cookie to make.
Down the recipe book they did take.
"Let's read the story together and bake some gingerbread too."
"My Busy Book Playmat & Game!" December 17th
An engaging storybook and toy in one activity kit!
My Busy Books offer full-page illustrations and
Story, 13 figurines to use as we play our game.
"Ignite your imagination with our new game!"
"Painting Ornaments!" December 18th
Brush on a little paint & see the festive Christmas!
Make Snowmen appear with your fingers.
Many colors to choose from for their hats.
"Let's add a string to display your creations!"
"Finishing up the Decorations!" December 19th
There are only a few days and Santa will come.
Let's decorate and get all our cookies done.
Being creative with you is always so much fun!
"We are finishing our special gifts today."
​"Daycare Cookie Exchange!" December 20th
Get ready for some awesome treats today.
We're exchanging our dozens of cookies, hooray!
Santa will be so happy coming down your chimney.
"Thanks to all who helped make this exchange so memorable!"