“A daycare becomes a great place to learn and play! ”
Indoor Play Area
Friends, toys, books, puzzles and so much more to do while inside my house. The kitchen is where most of the magic happens. The table is set up with books, light tables, crayons, pencils, markers and lots of crafty items so that each child can use his/her imagination to the fullest. I guide them through the making process of several crafts a week so they have something to bring home to proudly show their parents.
Baking is another way we stay busy. We create lots of yummy treats. From making gingerbread cookies, zebra cakes, cinnamon buns or homemade bread to name a few, the children are involved with the making/baking process, with each child being in charge of a certain set of instructions.
Downstairs we have a huge blackboard to use when the weather is too cold to be drawing our masterpieces on the driveway. The basement consists of stuffed toys, couches to sit on to read a favorite book, along with several rocking horses.
Planned activities are on my Weekly Schedule so the children come prepared for a day of fun. We go on hikes, do projects, head to the library, splash at Gage Park's wading pool, go to the Downtown Museum, have picnics, do chalk drawings at the parks we visit... and so much more!
Interactive games are always a good way to learn and to become more confident in making their own decisions. Through Scrabble, Jenga, Monopoly, Mastermind, Memory games, puzzles, and other board games...not only are we having fun together... we are gaining knowledge through co-operation.
Planned parties happen about once a month. The kids are always full of anticipation whenever special days such as Valentine's day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Halloween, and Christmas are getting close. We send out cards, make special crafts, go hunting for eggs and have a costume parade to name a few. We do everything as a team so everyone is included and feels special!